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Ten minute short with a twist

approx 10 mins

1m 3f

Set:  The lounge of Derek and Doris

First performed by Twyford Drama in 2015

Married couple Doris and Derek wait by the phone to hear whether they have won the entire £150 million Euro Millions jackpot. Have they won it all and what will happen if they have?

Reidwrites - Millions - Derek and Doris


Derek Weaver (m)

Mild mannered husband in his sixties

Doris Weaver (f)

His domineering wife


Sheila (f)

Next door neighbour in her fifties

Sally (f)

National Lottery representative in her twenties

The full script of Millions can be  downloaded here

Contact Us if you are interested in staging Millions

Reidwrites - Millions - Doris
Reidwrites - Millions - lottery winner
Reidwrites - Millions - Derek
Reidwrites - Millions - Lottery person and Doris
Reidwrites - Millions - Derek and Sally

Images from the Twyford Drama production 2015

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